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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, May 24, 2001

It's been a few weeks since I last posted a message on the front page so I thought I would do so. I have been steadily working on the many interactive changes to the site and have finally implemented to new links section New Links Section. Since I changed all the pages over to a .shtml file endinsg there has been a general decline in the number of new and unique visitors. Mainly because if you try to go to a page with a.html extension you get the blue screen of death. There is not much that I can help with this problem, apart from change the links to the pages on my redirect pages.
I am hoping that sonce the search engines pick up ont he chnages the number of new visitors will increase.

Thursday, May 10, 2001

Major Upgrade
I have been uploading a new file structure at Superdrewby and have almost finished for the time being. You should notice that there ae a few more menu options and the site should now have the same template accross all pages. I have changed all the file extensions to .shtml. What this means is that I now have two files for every template on the site. You may say so what? Well this is actually a really big thing because it means that when I want to update the template or add in a new menu item, or find something wrong on the site I can fix it by updating two files only and not having to get in and recode every single page of the site!
However there will be a few pages that have escaped the recoding, and a few pages where links may actually lead to the blue screen of death, but I will fix these up as I find them.
Hopefully within two weeks everything will finally be working properly and I can start to ramp up the promotion of the site.
Oh and I have also removed the advertising for the time being till I sort out the best way to display it on the site without slowing down the page too much. I still ahve a list of 256 fixes that I still need to make on the site, but rest assured I am doing things.

Wednesday, May 09, 2001

Massive Changes at Superdrewby!
I have finally started to fix up the bits and pieces of the site including adding some new sections called New, Activism and City Guide. None of the pages have been built yet but rest assured I will do them as soon as humany possible!

Monday, May 07, 2001

Chapter Sixteen is now online
I have finally loaded the new chapter 16 so take a look!

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

I've found the problem!
Some users had been trying to get a new password sent to them by using the new password emailer, but it had not been finding there email addresses, well after pondering the issue and trying to work out why the hell it wasn't working I found that the email address is now stored in my password file as well (gives greater security and privacy). Because the file never contained the email address before, it didnt recognise a valid email address when it saw one (God I am slow sometimes).
What this means is that I have to go back and recreate each persons email address in the password file and then manually chack to make sure it all works! Great eh! Oh well it will be done ASAP
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