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sometimes blue
DrewI am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it! Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
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Thursday, November 30, 2006

The view when I walk the beagle most mornings from the office


The newest supplements

I have been playing with the camera phone and have found it's quite fun to blog directly from my phone, but it seems to send up the images as their full size, which screws over my template!

Anyway, enough about that and on to the two new health (weight building fat losing) supplements I have started on. I have talked about my supplements before, although these days I limit what I take.

The first is Liquid Carnitine and the second is N.O. Xplode. I have used Carnitine in the past as powders but never as liquids. I must admit that taking it as a liquid three times a day is far easier than mixing powders together.

The Carnitine is supposed to help your body use fat as a source of energy much more efficiently which in turn means you lose body fat.

The other one is like a stimulant / Creatine mix which supposedly gives you more energy for the gym and helps to build muscle faster. Whether it works is yet to be seen in the long run. What I do know is that if I take too much before the gym I end up dizzy and slightly disoriented LOL, which means I am even more vague than normal.

But when I get the right amount (about one and a half scoops) it gives me a real sense of power at the gym.

So enough of my ramblings this morning and on to work! I am back in the office after three days at home spent looking after contractors. It's nice to be back in the office with the puppy!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Taylor square oxford street sydney

The new supplements

There two are the newest tools in my never ending quest for my perfect body more info tm come

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Busy Busy Busy Week

I have had a really busy week the past week, working on a couple of large projects and starting some new clients too.

The big news of the week is my new toy or otherwise known as a new cell phone. I ended up getting the Sony Ericsson K800i with the 3.2 megapxel cybershot camera (yes I truly am a sony boy).

I have started the whole teaching myself all the ins and outs of the phone and am also discovering how I can mobile video and photo blog.

This was a video of the puppy barking - we call this BAD BEAGLE BEHAVIOUR!

So over the next few weeks you will expect some really bad photos and videos! I am also trialling afew things one them being SHOZU, an applicationt o help share videos and photos easily to my youtube and blogger accounts.

New phone

So this will be my first attempt to photo blog from my new phone

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

which backstreet boy is gay

I love this!


Things I would do different...Changes to things I want to do in my life

Following on from Jared's post on things he would do differently, I wish I had and then Brenton too, I have often talked to people about this topic and I have a very different view.

I believe that we all are the sum of our experiences, and if we had not done things , or not done things we would not be the people we are today.

I can understand for some people who may have made or had made to them some incredibly bad things which have colored there life going forward. People who have lost their health or mobility due to an accident. But in the great scheme of things without having been through the ups and downs of life you can't appreciate life.

If I dwelled on how nasty some experiences had been, such as being bullied relentlessly at school, I realise that without the bullying I would probably not have the drive and ambition I have today.

If I had not had a bad relationship I wouldn't have been able to find the good one, recognise what was good and accept what was good.

yes there are parts of my past that I embarrassed about, but those situations teach me something too, and I have learnt from my mistakes on how not to make them again!

while we are still alive, we can all look forward, not backwards

So I thought about this and instead of saying I wish I had, this is my Things I want to do and achieve in life! (these are in no particular order)

  1. Travel into Space (yes I am serious)
  2. Swim with Whales
  3. Travel to Antarctica
  4. Start a Charity Foundation
  5. Buy an original Chaggal
  6. Finish LAAPS (finally)
    Continue to run businesses and sell one for enough to make us financially secure for life
  7. Buy the bf the car of his dreams
  8. Get to a point where I am happy with my body
  9. Have a child or children

Most of these things are incredibly selfish but they are achievable and I will achieve them

Monday, November 20, 2006

When you're the only one without a tan

For the first time in a while we went out to a gay event (the last being Sleaze & Sleaze Update), FagTag at Opera Bar.

For those not in the know Fag Tag is like a moving party / event which "tags" a different venue every few weeks. Usually the venue is somewhere way out of the norm, predominantly straight clubs which "fags tag".

The brain child of Tim Duggan it kind of builds on the eighties phenoneman of Michael Alig's random parties in New York made famous in the movie Party Monster, (well without the drugs and murder anyway).

Opera Bar is in great spot for a summer afternoon party, at the world famous Opera House in view of the Harbour Bridge and city. It was a fantastic afternoon evening where too much was had to drink and general frivolity reigned supreme!

My one observation, was that we seemed to be the only people there without a tan!


Irish Flat Screen


Friday, November 17, 2006

End of the Week Apathy

It's the end of the week and just over five weeks to Christmas, which is scary in itself! I have that kind of apathy that comes with having worked long hours for months and really needing a good break.

But working for yourself comes with some challenges, one of them being cash flow over the Christmas period. Bills still have to be paid even if all your clients go on holidays and they don't pay their bills till January.

So I am as busy as ever trying to complete projects before the middle of next month and also trying to convince new clients to sign up now rather than wait till the new year. The latter means I can bill them for a percentage of the work upfront.

I have never really understood how a company can just close down essentially from the start of December till the end of January. Sure people may still be there, but there is this overwhelming attitude of "Put it off till next year", or "Let's not do anything till after the holiday season".

Today however I am suffering from a hang over (I had dinner with a friend while my boy was at a conference dinner) , where I managed to drink an entire bottle of white wine and a number of glasses of red wine all to myself.

I am also suffering form I just don't want to be working today. The puppy has the right idea though, she has taken her bed into the middle of the office and is fast asleep, every now and then she kicks her legs and barks in her sleep as she dreams.

Looking out over the harbor it just looks so beautiful that I would prefer to be having a long long lunch out there and relaxing, rather then writing proposals, following up clients and writing code!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Jedi Bush - I want a Taco


Wearing your heart on your sleeve

Like most blog readers I get caught up in following other blogger's love lives and in particular their relationships. There are two types of bloggers though, those who remain anonymous like Jared over at Completely Naked, Alex at the The Great Cockhunt and Narcisuss at Synthetic Ego.

But the other type of bloggers are the ones who are almost completely open about who they are, to the point if you didn't know them, you could walk by them in the street and recognize them.

Bloggers like Brenton, from Aussielicious, the NSSG from Single in the City DG from Now Back to the Future all are very open about who they are (they all have pictures of themselves on their blogs) and they are incredibly open about their relationships online.

NSSG and DG have just celebrated their first month together, while Brenton and Mike from SF have decided not to pursue the long distance relationship thing. All this has been put out on their blogs in all it's gory details.

It got me wondering two things, whether the public nature of discussing your relationship online puts more pressure on the relationship to succeed or fail.

We all get the idea that being a famous person and trying to have a relationship is pretty damn hard, as evidenced by Britney and Ex-Fed's recent breakup in the media spotlight. And quite often when a famous couple divoirce or break up they site the intense media interest as a key cause.

But does this translate to the blogosphere as well?

I know that some of our friends read my blog, not many though, and I know the boy also reads my blog. As I have discussed before I don't put too much personal information online more so to protect our privacy that anything else.

I personally would not discuss my relationship on a blog like mine, maybe because we have both been together for many years and we tend to be very private people.

I also don't want the added pressure of my relationship being discussed online, I like and fiercely guard my relationship!

I think it comes down to timing, as far as my website and blog have been concerned I have always been in a relationship so to start talking about it could be perceived as a breach of trust.

So it's with a feeling of hypocrisy and living vicariously though others that I follow the ups and downs of my fellow bloggers relationships, I don't know whether it's good or bad, but discussing your relationship online like this is a very modern concept!

Wearing your heart on your sleeve

Like most blog readers I get caught up in following other blogger's love lives and in particular their relationships. There are two types of bloggers though, those who remain anonymous like Jared over at Completely Naked, Alex at the The Great Cockhunt and Narcisuss at Synthetic Ego.

But the other type of bloggers are the ones who are almost completely open about who they are, to the point if you didn't know them, you could walk by them in the street and recognize them.

Bloggers like Brenton, from Aussielicious, the NSSG from Single in the City DG from Now Back to the Future all are very open about who they are (they all have pictures of themselves on their blogs) and they are incredibly open about their relationships online.

NSSG and DG have just celebrated their first month together, while Brenton and Mike from SF have decided not to pursue the long distance relationship thing. All this has been put out on their blogs in all it's gory details.

It got me wondering two things, whether the public nature of discussing your relationship online puts more pressure on the relationship to succeed or fail.

We all get the idea that being a famous person and trying to have a relationship is pretty damn hard, as evidenced by Britney and Ex-Fed's recent breakup in the media spotlight. And quite often when a famous couple divoirce or break up they site the intense media interest as a key cause.

But does this translate to the blogosphere as well?

I know that some of our friends read my blog, not many though, and I know the boy also reads my blog. As I have discussed before I don't put too much personal information online more so to protect our privacy that anything else.

I personally would not discuss my relationship on a blog like mine, maybe because we have both been together for many years and we tend to be very private people.

I also don't want the added pressure of my relationship being discussed online, I like and fiercely guard my relationship!

I think it comes down to timing, as far as my website and blog have been concerned I have always been in a relationship so to start talking about it could be perceived as a breach of trust.

So it's with a feeling of hypocrisy and living vicariously though others that I follow the ups and downs of my fellow bloggers relationships, I don't know whether it's good or bad, but discussing your relationship online like this is a very modern concept!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Just live with the disappointment

The boy and I had a look at the mobile phone I have been hankering over for months, the Nokia N93.

I have been salivating over this phone and it's features ever since I first saw it online.

But when I actually handles one yesterday my desire waned considerably! It's is simply too big to be a useful phone for me, especially since my current phone the Motorola Razr is so small (even if it is a piece of crap).

Oh well I will just have to wait and see. I might get another inspiration soon!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium

This is just fabulous!


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Democrats take the senate

In Breaking News CNN has announced that the Democrats have taken the Senate as well. This well and truly sends a strong signal to the world that George W Bush and his policies are no longer welcome.

In other election results, the people of America have shown that bigotry is still alive by the number of states that voted to ban same sex marriage.

Great just peachy. I have never understood what the true issue is with the ban. Do people honsetly thinking that allowing two people that love each other the right to get married is going to affect marriage?

And to the folk from Colorado who voted against even recognising same sex couples - Fuck You!


Work Work Work and More Work

I have been having a mild client crisis at work, which has driven me both mad and made me miss my fourth yoga class!

That pissed me off.

But, the news the Republicans in the good old US of A have been given a good hiding brings a happy smile to an otherwise hellish week!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats Take the House

I am so excited even if it's not my country, the Democrats in the States have take the US House of Representatives!

Up Yours Bush and you lying neo-conservative assholes!

Browser Wars

I finally pulled my finger out and downloaded IE 7.

Now before everyone tells me I shoudl be using Mozilla or Opera I do already use them. In fact since we design Rich Internet Applications, I use as many browsers as I know exist to check the applications and sites.

So far I am not overlly impressed, it looks very much like Firefox which I love, all except for the footprint. Firefox doesn't use huge system resources wheras IE always seems to take up massive amounts of system resources.

With some trepidation I ran our main RIA to check it worked and so far the Interface is all OK. One small issue is the Address bar stays on top when you do a po up window!

Oh well!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Axl Whitehead - Exposing himself at the arias!

This is the long distance view of Axl exposing himself up on stage, but I am still waiting for the close up! - You can read my previous post here


Neil Patrick Harris is Gay but Have you seen his yummy Boyfriend?

I think by now anyone with an Internet connection knows that Neil Patrick Harris, otherwise known as Doogie Howser has come out fo the closet.

What's more, the boyfriend is the very sexy actor David Burtka, who has appeared in a number of broadway plays and a few television appearance including parts in The West Wing and Neils own hit show - How I met your mother.

It was after this apperance that tongues were set wagging. The gossip was Neil got the gig onthe show for David, his boyfriend!

My God shock horror, boyfriends love each other and one uses his influence to help the career of the other!

In honor of David's Hotness we have a small montage of David showing off his very yummy self!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lone Star Verve Blog Awards Nomination 2006 - Vote For Me!

To my surprise this blog has been nominated for a Lone Star Verve Blog Award for Best Australian Blogs.

I am really chuffed because I have been included against some really amazingly good blogs including:

Best GLBT Australian or New Zealander Blog:

All Aussie Beef

So to vote for me yes please do because when one of the others win I at least want some votes, visit Lone Star Verve and follow the directions.

On a personal level if you ahve not read any of the blogs above now is a really good time to go and do so.

Friday, November 03, 2006


In my never ending quest for the perfect body (or at least my personal best in my own eyes), I have been calculating some important figures. When I talk about my personal best body I simply mean a proportional waist to chest and overall leanness to my body.

Being a small framed person it’s very easy for a small amount of fat to look unsightly.

Technically according to common standards I am underweight, yes that’s right for my height and age I should be somewhere between 75 – 77kgs.

Personally I find that silly. I am also considered to be “lean” with a body fat percentage of somewhere between 12 – 13%.

Now onto some trivia!

1 pound of fat takes 3500 calories to burn (approximate)
1 Glass of white wine has on average 70 calories, Red wine has more at 84 calories

This should be my calorie intake

Maintenance: 2466 Calories/day
Fat Loss: 1973 Calories/day
Extreme Fat Loss: 1480 Calories/day

So rounding it off, to lose weight I can have up to 2000 calories a day or there about and that would lave me with a deficit of about 500 calories. On that basis, if I wanted to lose say 1 kgs which is about 2.5 pounds that equates to 8750 calories which is 18 days, so less than three weeks.

Aim to Lose = 1kg Fat (2.5 pounds)
Total Calories t be burnt 2.5 x 3500 = 8750 calories
Calorie Deficit per day = 500 calories
Total Days = 17.5 days

So for every 1kg of body mass takes about 18 days of 2000 calories.

If we factor on even more calculations I weight 74 kgs and I have approximately 13% body fat which is:

74Kgs x 13% = 9.62

So by this calculation, for every 1% of body fat I lose it’s about .75 kgs of weight.

So it would take me 52.5 days to get down to 10% body fat.

Personally I think I just need to do more exercise and eat less and do it quicker!

And people don’t think I am obsessive!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Undies to make your package bigger

The fabulous guys over at Aussiebum have created something totally new, Undies that make your package look bigger!

The wonderjock is to men what the Wonderbra is to women!

Sure to cause controversy and lawsuits from disgruntled size queens who pick up a boi, only to discover his package is not nearly as big as advertised. I wonder if this type of false advertising is listed in the ACCC?



Video Hits Star Resigns Over Showing His Penis at Awards Night!

Television personality Axle Whitehead has been rebuked by Network Ten after exposing his penis at the Australian Recording Industry (ARIA) Awards.

The incident was not telecast on Network Ten, and it was unclear how many of the 10,000 people, including young music fans, who were at the Acer Arena in Sydney on Sunday night saw it.

Whitehead, who has hosted Ten's Video Hits for two years, was on-stage presenting an award to hip-hop outfit Hilltop Hoods with radio jock Jabba, when he exposed himself.

He also simulated masturbation on the ARIA trophy as the winners made their way to the stage.

"I was shocked that he did it," said one guest who attended the event and saw the incident.

"It's just lucky that it wasn't shown live on television."

While the 2003 Australian Idol finalist couldn't be contacted on Monday for comment, a Ten spokeswoman said the stunt was unacceptable.

"In an incident that was not telecast, last night Axle momentarily exposed himself at the ARIAs," she said.

"His behaviour was inappropriate and Ten and ARIA producers, Roving Enterprises, do not condone it.

"We are addressing this issue with Axle and will make no further comment at this stage."
ARIA event producer Mark Pope agreed.

"I wasn't in the actual room at the time of the alleged incident," he said.

"However this type of behaviour isn't something that ARIA finds acceptable or condones."

The 25-year-old Victorian's former Video Hits co-host Kelly Cavuoto was dropped from the program following a drunken outburst at the 2004 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards.

If anyone has the pictures or the video send it to me! - drew 'at@'


Lesson Three - Yoga

I am starting to find the lessons easier now, although I am still confused and more then a little behind many of the people in the class. But there are really only a small handful who like me are total beginners.

The moves are becoming more natural now, although I am still not sure whether I am doing the right thing yet.

I suppose this will only come in time and as I am shown more and tutored more.

Jherrad -'s Amazing Beauty!


the Image Gallery on Superdrewby or Visit PerfectGuyz for the solo video!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Eating and the waistline

Something the by knows all to well is my ability to eat everything and anything. Of course I start with the yummy stuff and then move my way down the food chain to the stuff that while it tastes ok, is not the empty calorie yummy food I love.

Ever since giving up smoking my body constantly thinks it is hungry, even when quite frankly I have just finished stuffing my face.

the worst time is when I work at home, I think it's partially the mundaneness of working from home and the fact I work several meters away from the kitchen. Which makes it incredibly easy to wander over and graze on something, anything!

Looking back over my blog I realized I have changed objectives considerably over the last few months. I went from trying to lean down to wanting to bulk up and then to wanting to lean down all over again (do we sees a trend developing?).

for at least three months I watched what I ate and reduced my calorie intake accordingly, now hope after almost a month of limited exercise (on average 4 times a week) and a bad eating habit I feel sluggish and fat.

I know that a lot of the feeling is pyschological, but regardless of whether it is in my head or I am physically fat LOL I need to change some behavior patterns.

So back to being concentrated at the gym, more card and a definite change in eating habits! I have a goal, by the end of this month I want to feel that I am not fat again, no target body fat, or weight or belt buckle size, I just want feel like I am lean again!

Tonight is my third night of yoga, I will post my thoughts tomorrow!

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LogoThere are:
people with my name
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Thanks to Snickers for finding this very funny tool, accordingly both Snickers and I have no one else with our names in the US!
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