I almost pissed myself laughing at this
Straight man's guide to a urinal!
and yes pun intended!
Labels: funny
Get me
Straight man's guide to a urinal!
and yes pun intended!
Labels: funny
There is a hiccup in my preparations to wear footy shorts to the dance parties this weekend....
I will not be able to do any cardio this week as I have hurt my leg.
It's all a bit silly really. The metal false ceiling on my life fell on me last night and the sharp edge of the metal jammed straight into my ankle just above my Achilles tendon.
It look hideous with a huge big triangular wedge gouged out of my leg.
The doctor at the Emergency Department told me how damn lucky I was that it only grazed my tendon and hasn't damaged it at all! Five nasty little stitches and some pain, and I can't do any cardio this week!
I am just hoping that the swelling and pain will all have gone by the weekend so I am not hobbling around at the dance parties.
In thinking about this, I am so very lucky. If I had not been wearing thick jeans I would now be facing surgery to reattach the tendon and months and months of physio therapy!
Thanks guardian angel!
I am having a really bad couple of days!
The building where we live has a few really serious insurance issues, which are driving me bonkers. Not the least of which at the root of many of the issues it seems to be that the strata manager has seriously dropped the ball.
But there is nothing that I hat more than when I ask for something to have that ignored. I will walk out of restaurants, cancels bookings etc for rudeness of bad service.
So I am stressed to the max and ready to break something so watch out!
Labels: stress
How the Hell did this get past! - read the full text itis so funny! Source
Labels: funny
Well it's less than two weeks now till I want my abs back, and I am not sure whether I will meet the target.
Yes I will be cardio 'ing' every day, slurping my diet pills Lipo 6 and generally being very good with my food, but I have no idea whether I will get rid of the final layer of fat hiding my poor abs.
I am kind of getting used to the Lipo 6 now and I am enjoying the extra kick from them in the mornings! The fat pinch test is definitely showing a dramatic difference in the fat, but until I can turn sideways and no longer have the "bump" I will not be happy in compulsive obsessive behavior!
Last night was the Sydney Bloggers meet up at the Tilbury. A blast was had by all who were there including: Brenton, NSSG, DG, Narcicus and more!
Labels: sydney bloggers, weekend, workout
Labels: fitness
Labels: workout
Labels: eye candy, Inspirational, stress, workout
A former Labor prime minister, Paul Keating, said Mr Rudd was performing wonderfully and described Mr Howard as "an old, desiccated coconut".
Labels: weekend
Overt the last week, the Australian Prime Minister John Howard and the Attorney General Phillip Ruddock have again proven just how bigoted they are!
First up it was reported in The Age, that during this session of Federal Parliament, legislation would be tabled to ban the overseas adoption of children by same sex couples.
The second is the government's veto of the ACT's same sex civil partnership bill (again).
Now both of these things serve real purpose other than being discriminatory and int he case the adoption ban a potential wedge politic issue for the upcoming federal election later this year.
Howard and Ruddock are once again trumping up the anti-gay sentiment in people to win themselves votes, all the while denying the basic human right of equality under the law.
Once upon a time the government and the law were supposed to uphold the basic rights of humanity, but the Australian Government seems intent on keeping Gay & Lesbian Australians as second class citizens.
This certainly reinforces my view in a previous post that you cannot be gay and conservative without either being politically naive, stupid or hate yourself and your sexuality.
The problem with the adoption ban is two fold. On the one hand if the opposition party fights this they will create a wedge politic for the upcoming election (can't you hear it now, The Australian Labour Party wants gay pedophiles to be allowed to adopt children).
But on the other hand if the opposition say nothing and the legislation is passed, it entrenches more discrimination in law. Discrimination that will take years to undo.
Apart from the discriminatory issues at play, have our federal Politicians got nothing better to do than enact discriminatory legislation? Australia is the grips of an economic slowing and the worst drought in living history!
Guys get your thoughts out of my bedroom and back on the country. Oh sorry, I assumed they ever had their eyes on the country.
Howard and your right wing cohorts you are an asshole! And I will celebrate the day you are thrown out on your sorry little ass and have the first of the history books start condemning you as the weak narrow minded little man you were.
One of My favorite sites Jason Curious run by the very sexy Jason Sechrest informed that Superdrewby was the seventh highest referrer for the month!
I am deep into my new years goals of fitness and body transformation and have started to notice the difference.
I have an ongoing client that is the client from hell, and when I say the client from hell I truly mean the client from hell.
Labels: stress
In my never ending blog watch I have come across this, an example of homophobia and stupidity all in one.
This guy, Nick Peronace- beefman500@hotmail.com, the president of Enterprise Steaks (allegedly) made anti gay comments on a website. You know normal run of the mill 'I'm going to kill you and break your bones' sort of stuff that gets written allot.
Problem is he included his own email address, yes I kid you not! But my dear friends that's not all. As the explosions started to happen, emails of outrage being sent, telephone calls to his office he threatens to sue and types more nasty notes on the website.
Nasty Nicky, of course is trying to dig himself out of this hole by claiming he did not type the nasty messages. Poor stupid fool though, he doesn't know very much about the Internet or the fact that most websites log the IP address of the computers that make comments.
And poor nasty Nicky, guess what, the denials and pained missive outlining his innocence have the same IP address.
Oh dear I do love a good homophobe being dragged over the coals!
Mr Nasty Nicky Peronace, say sorry and give a LARGE donation to PFLAG or another Gay & Lesbian charity!
Labels: funny
The beagle whisperer, AKA Sarah the dog trainer came over to start the training process of us with Lucy.
Labels: beagle-lucy
It's finally Friday morning and I am having my coffee before heading intot he office for a full day of work!
The boy is back (YIPPEEEEEE) tired from honkers but glad to be home, and the good news on Wednesday my mother does not need an operation on her spine! So all in all a good week.
I have a lot on my mind at the moment, like the Sydney Mardi Gras refusal to included groups in their parade and fair day because they conflict with the commercial sponser (and I thought mardi gras was a grass roots community organisation!).
Toybox is in five weeks this sunday so I have to seriously increase my workouts and cardio sessions (and restrict the bad calories too LOL. That said I am at the gym with cvardio sessions 4 - 5 times a week and am doing 4 - 5 weights sessions too.
Our traditional house Mardi Gras Parade Party is also in five weeks tomorrow night and I had better start planning this soon or I will have no times to get stuff done!
This weekend the puppy trainer is coming along to help us with her growly moods, she snapped at me yesterday morning which was not good, but she was mortified afterwards and spent the next 30 minutes making it up to me.
A few things have been pissing me off of late as well...
I had an email telling me that my site didnt print properly and to fix it up immediately, well blow me down with a feather bitch! You don't pay to use my site, you don't click ont he advertising instead you grab and print the content and then tell me I have to immediatley fix a problem, well fuck you!
I am fed up to death of the lack of respect the tennants in my building show for the building, please don't dump your rubbish in fire exits, no it is not a smoking building, and please do not put your ciggerrete out on the floor of the elevator. Please do not park illegally in the garage and restric access ot otehr people's car spots, please do not just dump your rubbish anywhere. No I am not your building manager and do not ring or write and tell me what I shoudl be doing. If you want something done, pick yourself up and do it yourself, or move out!
Labels: contemplation, The boy, work, workout
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