Busy Times
I have been pretty busy these last few weeks and have not updated the site or added any new content. I still check the site on a regular basis to make sure it is working (there are heaps and heaps of issues at the moment with the site functionality). I have pretty much decided that over the next couple of weeks I will start to change the way I manage the site. Currently the site is mainly done through flat HTML files, which are fine for most things, but as the site has grown in leaps and bounds over the last couple of years it is becoming more and ore difficult to manage.
My own company has a small content management tool and I have decided to implement it for this site, which will take some effort on my behalf to take all the content from flat files into the new management tool. I am also going to update all the memebrs stuff as well as pull in a totally new message board that should finally work properly (unlike what we have now which seems to bugger up on a regular basis, as do the surveys as well!
I am keen to hear from people what I should be adding to the site or what changes I need to make. please use the comments for on the side to give me ideas and hints!
Religous Nuts
I have been getting some absolutley great and weird religous nuts writing me emails and telling me to repent repent repent! And now I also see that this person has also started to post on the message board as well! I intend to post all the emails from this guy on a page alomg with his email address.
This started because of the work I have done for the Marcus Memorial Campaign and the religous right's fascination with other peoples lives. I urge you all to have a read of the message board posts on religion and add your own comments because it really is damn funny and quite silly really.
Personally I have no problem with religion and spirituality, but waht i do have a problem with is when someone swords and actions incite violence , hate and fear, and this is the probem with the extreme religous right.
Has Robert W. Baral Been E-Mailing You?
a.k.a. Cfeew Btokiu (iameinsteingenius@hotmail.com), Pustuous Wound, The Tempester (letempester@hotmail.com), Bevine LeBeaux (bevinelebeaux@hotmail.com), RWB (weholdthesetruth@earthlink.net), Robert Baral (robertbaral@yahoo.co.in)
The Vermont State Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights wants to hear from you.
Print hard copies of the messages with complete headers and mail them to:
Kate Hayes
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
Office of the Attorney General
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1001
You can also contact her at khayes@atg.state.vt.us
WebSite: http://www.state.vt.us/atg/civil%20rights.htm