I am a thirty something married gay boy living in Sydney, almost on top of the gay scene but not in it!
Why Sometimes blue?, because I love blue, but also I am sometimes blue :)
more about drew
Th office move has happened and I am almost fully decorated too!
This afternoon I will have the lightweight panels for the wall created and tomorrow will have them installed.
Then about the only thing left are the screens between the desks for the staff.
It's great working in an environment which is so nice, modern and groovy.
I had a client pop in today for a meeting and they thought the office was fantastic (even if the internal walls were just poles).
The building has at least two other dogs who come to work most days and Lucy has been making friends left right and centre!
In fact one girl pops up every day and 'borrows' Lucy so her dog and Lucy can play for an hour.
Now that's what I call service!
I am in the mode of just wanting to relax and do nothing after leaving the office, but there is just SO much on my to do lists that I have to get it all done.
With the growing credit crisis and slow down of the economy I am worried about how my little small business will go.
Hopefully through all the new products and product strategies we will be in a good position to capture the market that needs to be more cost effective.
Anyway I am finally off to join a gym after Gold's closed down at the end of last month and do a very light workout for the first time in over three months!
2.4 million dollars extra was spent by the State Governmnet on installing unwanted showers and toilets for pilgrims for WYD because the Church did not tell the government that far less pilgrims were arriving until a month before.
Not just 20.4 million dollars was wasted, but the toilets and showers are only temporary and need to be removed!
A spokesperseon for the Church said in response:
The event went fine; I don't know why you want to focus on all the negatives
The reason we are focusing on the 'negatives' is because the Catholic Church earns in Australian about 18 Billion dollars a year tax free, and we the tax payers have shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars or this event!
I suppose it's a bit like the WYD spokesperson telling the media that sex abuse victims were crankily dwelling on the past!
It was funny seeing all the company 'stuff' in boxes waiting to be packed into the truck for the move.
It didn't look all that impressive really, but then I realised the valuable stuff isn't the files of paper, the furniture or the computer equipment.
No it's the intellectual property in the computers and the knowledge in the files.
If needs be the company could be totally virtual with none of the trappings of a normal office, the only required would be computers, access to the Internet and telephones.
The office looks a bit of a tip at the moment but not too bad, we will go off to IKEA tomorrow to get the rest of the furniture.
Yeah I know it's IKEA, but lessons learnt from previous office fit outs are spend as little as you possibly can on the fit out and get the biggest bang for your buck!
Some things like the desk lights and the corbusier chairs and aero chairs are design classics, but the new office pods for staff are just plain white tables grouped together.
I am looking for so,e office partitions that I can have covered in fabric that I like, something more modern and fun like a nice
The only part of the new office fit out that I am really and I mean really unsure of is how to divide the space between my 'office' and the rest of the space. I was going to have one of those big open IKEA square block bookcases.
But with furniture in the office I have decided I don't want to waste the space.
So I need to find a solution that I can install some sort of patterned see through screen to differentiate the spaces.
I will post some pictures when I take them.
It's a bit of a fish bowl right now because one huge long wall out into the atrium is glass and the frosting has not yet been installed so it feels like I am an animal in the zoo (or am I?).
Hopefully most things will come together this weekend!
Because the majority of the pilgrims were from poorer countries and ad no money to actually spend on normal tourist things, like eating at restaurants, hotels etc.
The event itself was at least 20 - 25% smaller than expected, which says a lot allot about the secular composition of our own country, and reminds us that we are in fact a very diverse country.
But let's not forget the most important legacy from this event.
That is the tacit approval of homophobic violence by people of faith. Yes you read it the even t has tacitly approved and promoted homophobia and violence.
I am still fuming that the idiot dilgrim who attacked a protester was not charged with anything even though it was obvious to anyone that he hit a protester.
On Sunday night as I was wandering down Oxford street and the dilgrims were wandering the other day I got caught between two groups calling out homophobic abuse at the obviously gay boys in the pubs and on the streets.
Direct connection I think between homophobia and the event.
Then the he was not charged sends a strong and clear message to people that you can beat a poofter and you won't get charged if you do it for religous reasons.
But why does the Government think it's OK to promote homophobia?
I don't think that we can ever get equality in this country whilst such large emphasis is placed on an event like this that is not even representative of our country.
We have such a huge and I mean huge way to go to get equality,m especially when our new Prime Minister who I used to have respect for grovelled and cow-towed to the Catholic church.
I am not particularly close to my extended family, there are pockets that I am closer to which is nice and there are entire sections of the extended family that I would have preferred does not exist (and probably vice versa).
Anyway one of my close relatives my aunt has Parkinson's disease which she was diagnosed at 38 some twenty something years ago.
As the years have progressed her symptoms have worsened considerably and the involuntary movements, shuffle, trouble speaking etc has become in a word debilitating.
But today she will go into hospital to Have a new kind of treatment, Deep Brain Stimulation DBS which is one of the greatest hopes for control of Parkinson's disease.
Essentially they will sedate her and then insert a series of electrical probes into the part of her brain which causes the 'mis - firing' and symptoms of Parkinson's. When they find the part of the brain they will leave some electrical probes in there and hook them up to something like a heart pacemaker.
This all happens while she is fully awake too, this way they can make sure they find the correct part of the brain.
The idea is that this device will prevent the symptoms of the Parkinson's.
This is a monumental step forward for Parkinson's sufferers and I hope this really helps my Aunt's condition!
I am not sure that I could cope with being awake for this type of thing, I think it would just freak me out far too much, but if I had Parkinson's disease and had lived for so long with the symptoms I suppose you would put up with a bit of discomfort!
If you would like watch the boys in Fitness First whilst sipping a nice cocktail, head over to the Kings Cross Hoetl in Kings Cross and use the 5th level bar.
I love the review in the SMH:
instead we were eyeballing a gym. More disturbingly, it was filled with healthy types bending, stretching and lifting weights when the most exercise I was getting for the night was walking down a short flight of stairs to the bathroom.
I came across this online community for aspiring models to promote themsleves and decided to show some of the Australian hotties I found!
The site is quite funny, it's almost like a weird sort of gaydar / ego stroke site. Some of the prodiles are just down right scary and to think that these guys actually think they have what it takes to be a model is well um breathtaking.
But some of the guys are just down right stunning, but yet again there are so many guys that look so good, do they all think that the world needs more male models just like them?
Today we went to Ikea for the second time in probably 5 years to look at desks and tables for my new office.
I now remember why the last time I went there I said I would never go again.
The ugly ugly ugly people, and so many of them it's insane, and the total crap that is in that place, if that's not an environmental disaster I have no idea what is.
Yeah sure I know they are one of the most ecologically friendly manufacturing companies (they use recycled products, use farmed timber etc. But that's all well and good but the entire store is just one big bargain basement of stuff you don't really need.
The 1 dollar bargains like candles, hangers, glasses, T towels etc sure they are useful, but only if you actually need them!
Not surprisingly we didn't buy anything and it looks like I will be moving into the new office with virtually only the furniture we have now and none of the new desks for people or meeting room stuff.
It's not a bad thing per se, but at the very least I don't want to be sharing my desk with anyone while we choose new desking solutions.
I am hoping that some time this week we will do the move as well, the new telephone is connected just waiting for the Internet to be connected and then we will do the move.
Totally unrelated I saw this cool use of an Italla vase as a fish bowl, cute huh?
And I was reminded that I wanted a fish again (when we went to replace the last fish we came home with the beagle) but I am not sure I could be bothered cleaning a fish bowl as it's a lot of work!
You can see more of the ittala bowl with fish over at Apartment Therapy.
Just as I was writing this a group of 'Dilgrims" (dumb pilgrims) were just making their way down Oxford street and it TOTALLY set the puppy off.
Their incessant jubilant singing drove the poor pet quite mad and she made her feelings felt by barking at them.
Mind you every time the Pope and his motorcade went by she has been barking her little head off too.
I wonder whether he realises he has been going up and down the Mardi Gras route? Probably not but he wouldn't really look all that out of place in what he is wearing.
Why was the guy who attacked a protester today at the No To Pope Rally not charged?
The video clearly shows him attacking the Protesters.
If it was one of us we would have been charged
It's not on, he should be charged with assault!
Remember the face in these photos, this is the face of someone who will most likely attack someone else, he should be charged and made aware that homophobic violence is not on!
This afternoon I went to the No To Pope Rally to protest against the homophobia of the Catholic Church and to Taunt the Pilgrims (sorry I meant spread a message of non discrimination).
What absolutely shocked me was the number of Police that were present to 'protect' the pilgrims from us rabble, literally hundreds of Police were used, on horse bike, cars and even the Police Helicopter to keep an eye on the rally.
It always annoys me that these events end up being a total extreme left wing talk fest which went on at Taylor Square for almost an hour before anything else happened.
It gets very dull waiting through their speeches which you can't hear!
Anyway the pictures were taken on the new iPhone camera
Look inside Look inside your tiny mind Then look a bit harder Cos we're so uninspired So sick and tired Of all the hatred you harbor
So you say it's not okay to be gay Well, I think you're just evil You're just some racist Who can't tie my laces Your point of view is medieval
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cos we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So, please don't stay in touch
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cos your words don't translate And it's getting quite late So, please don't stay in touch
Do you get Do you get a little kick out of being small-minded You want to be like your father It's approval you're after Well, that's not how you find it
Do you Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful Cuz there's a hole where your soul should be You're losing control of it And it's really distasteful
The announcement this week that electricity prices will rise comes as no real shock to the majority of well educated people.
Electricity production in this country is generated by coal fired power stations.
Coal fire Power Stations release Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Dioxide is bad for the environment and causes the greenhouse effect.
So to offset this prices will rise and the money will be spent on renewable energy sources, R&D etc.
That all makes sense right?
Well sure it does but Oh My God the whinging in the newspapers by the 'Aussie Battlers' pisses me off.
The family I love to hate the most was a family with five children in outer Sydney who live in a 6 bedroom home, have three large flat screen TVs underfloor heating and reverse cycle air conditioning.
They were complaining that it's the government's fault that they will pay more to heat and cool their house.
Like hello?
5 children?
3 Flat screen TVs?
Get a life people, it's rampant consumerism when you can't actually afford it that's causing half the problem. No where in the article did I read that they have offset their energy bills by swapping to solar hot water heating, nor did I read that perhaps under floor heating and air conditiononing could be turned um OFF or DOWN to save money.
Of course these things cost money to bloody run!
When they built their big ridiculous mcMansion John Howard was still in power giving large amounts of cash to women to have babies and busy selling off Telstra to pay for it all.
Well guess what?
We now accept climate change is real and we know that rampant energy consumption in Australia is a problem.
But please do not complain that it will cost more to heat and cool your inefficient ridiculous house
That's just pathetic!
Or maybe you shoudl have thought about how you were going to support FIVE children!
Yesterday for my Birthday I succumbed and picked up an iPhone.
The wait was bearable, less than 45 minutes in the queue at the Apple store and then I turned to the dark side and picked up my very own iPhone.
It is VERY sexy but it is going to take me a while to get used to the interface etc. And especially going to have to get more proficient with the qwerty keyboard than I am already.
It took me a while to work out why I could not connect to the wireless network at home or int he office, but once I upgraded the firmware on the routers the iPhone just connected like a breeze.
I haven't yet set up the email stuff, I am not convinced yet that I want o do my email on the phone, but I will wait and see.
What I have been doing is setting up APPS like, Twitterific, Shozu etc so I can do things like blog and twitter from the phone easily.
My only one major question at the moment is when I am surfing the web on the iPhone at home or at work when I am connected to my wireless network does it automatically use the wireless network or does it use the 3G?
anyway I am totally in love with it and will have to spend hours and hours playing with my new sexy gadget!
In breaking news the 'annoyance' laws for World Youth Day have been struck down!
and to the NSW State Government get back under the rock from which you belong!
I do find the imputation that people are only protesting about the laws, it's about the discrimination of the Catholic Church not just the laws that people are protesting.
You know the whole Anglican Church schism makes me laugh it really does, it's highly likely that the Church of England will split in two.
Why? Because of the openly gay ordained Bishop Gene Robinson.
Some Bishops from African nations likened homosexuality to lower than dogs.
Well to these people I say great, go fuck yourself, and stop taking the monetary handouts from the countries that support same sex unions and equality for gays in general.
Robinson is correct in his theological analysis that parts of the Bible that appear to be anti homosexual are not relevant, or at least as relevant as not eating shellfish, or selling your daughter into slavery.
I look forward to a schism in the Church because it will mean that a very large mainstream church will be gay friendly and the the bigots can go off and live in their bigotry!
I received this email about the Rally against the Pope this weekend at Taylor Square:
Hi there!
Same Same is running a black campaign this weekend. It's pretty simple and would love your support.
All we are asking it that you wear black when heading out this weekend to make a united statement against the Pope's stance on homosexuality as "an intrinisc moral evil".
There is something I hate above all else and that is dishonesty.
I don't mean the occasional white lie, like no you don't look fat in that, I mean the big porkies where YOU KNOW the truth.
There is a small issue where I know things have been taken without asking, I know this because I found the evidence(not the least of which I am meticulous in keeping things in their place).
It's tiny it really is, for me it's a minor issue it just means I have to get another one.
BUT when I ask point blank if you borrowed it, don't lie just say yes and give it back!
Apart from the small fact that Nikki Webster looked like a drag queen (yes I actually asked someone who was miming on stage) and can't sing. This article is a homophobic piece of crap.
My Birthday celebrations over the weekend were awesome, and they still have not yet finished!
It's days till my actual Birthday and friends still want to see me for dinner!
I am a lucky boy.
But for now work and LOTS of work beckon, and provided my new phone line and Internet connection are connected on Wednesday I will order the movers and do the move on Wednesday too, and just have it all done!
Oh and that's not Lucy in the picture I was looking for a picture of a drunk beagle but could not find one but found a 'flying beagle' instead!
The other day as I was walking down Oxford Street I saw a kid of about 16 or 17 sitting outside Hungry Jacks.
You could just tell by the fact that he had a wheely bag with him and his relatively fresh clothes he was most likely a runaway from somewhere.
He was still clean and tidy by the look of him he was new.
I have seen kids like him 100 times over the years and I always just want to go up to them and tell them to go home, because in six months time I will probably see him around again.
But this time he will most likely be begging and hanging with the other street kids in the area.
It's a sad cycle and in the most part I am powerless to stop it.
I am having a severe case of I don't want to be doing this today!
I have been stressed out and busy for the last few weeks and this week is no real difference except that this weekend will be the start of my Birthday celebrations.
So much is going on around me at the moment.
Work is hellishly busy and we have unofficially picked up the keys for the new office.
Major stress!
So now I am just waiting for the phone lines and Internet access to be hooked up and we will make the move.
The new office is divine, but there is nothing and I mean NOTHING in there, it's a big empty space with polished concrete floors, exposed concrete and three huge white walls (the others are all glass).
One of the lessons I have learnt from moving offices before, is don't buy anything until you are actually in there. It's OK to have an office that looks like the local jumble sale for a while. We have enough furniture to work and operate for a while or at least until I can work out how to plan out the office.
I have some ideas for the walls already and have two huge art canvases for the side walls, but I think I am going to be bold with that huge big long white wall...
I would have loved to have moved in next week, but it's likely that the phone and Internet connections will not be done till mid week which will clash with the World Youth Day road closures and I won;t be able to get the furniture moved from one office to the other.
So I will most likely have to wait till the week after next to do the actual move.
In between I have been visiting websites and online catalogues looking at office decorating and furniture ideas. As much as I want something really cool I also don't want to spend too much money on the office fit out - another lesson learnt from previous offices.
So I am on the lookout for cheaper options of designer office furniture.
Interestingly Ikea does seem to be the best option for office fit outs believe it or not.
Because the rage of desk tops and legs is just varied you can pretty much mix and match to get what you want. The only question is just how bad the quality actually is?
But hey I am in business to make money not to win awards for the office.
So on that comment back to worky I must get and earn some more money!
It turns out that there is now documentary evidence that Cardinal Pell lied misled and obstructed justice in hiding a priest who HE KNEW HAD SEXUALLY ASSAULTED people.
There are now letters stating to one victim that Pell agreed with the victims version of events and another on the same day another letter to a victim where Pell actually says there is no abuse by that particular priest.
Pell must Resign, and he must resign today!
There is absolutely no comeback from this, he actively covered up sexual abuse by a priest and there is documentary evidence.
World Youth Day and the Pope's entire visit is now under the cloud of sexual abuse cover up.
I was reading an article online that said teens are the main producer of underage kiddy porn. Which let's face it makes a huge amount of sense.
Think of the amount of teens on site such as xtube, youtube, rocketube etc that take explicit images of themselves and their friends / partners etc and then think ANY image of someone under the age of 18 is illegal and considered kiddy porn.
Last year Corey Delaney was charged with child porn offences for taking pictures of a drunken half naked twisetr game with friends of ages between 16 - 18.
Remember that picture of yourself that you took when you were 17 and sent to someone on the Internet to get a date? Well guess what you have trafficed in child porn AND the person you sent it to can be charged as a sex offender for posessing child porn.
When I got into the office my Multi Function printer / scanner / fax has died, I have a really cool colour laser printer but I only use it for presnetations and stuff instead doing the day to do stuff on the mono to save costs.
Oh well just another unbudgeted cost to add to the list!
Although I think I might get at networkable one this time so I don't have ot hang it off the back of a spare pc!
If there's anyone CF fans have been eagerly awaiting the return of, it's Dave! CF studs are indeed amateur college men, with most all having school, jobs, or other commitments and coming out to visit us once in awhile to film some hot sex.
This is the case with Dave, as he's quite the busy guy at home. He had a pretty hectic schedule for a long while that never quite matched up with making it out to shoot. Thankfully, though, he and I stay in pretty close touch and recently everything aligned just right to enable him to make it back out to shoot after a long break.
I couldn't have been happier! Dave is a horny young guy, and doesn't shy away from admitting the fact that he loves sex. Even if he didn't admit it, however, it would be plainly obvious from watching him in action! It's as if he's totally overcome by lust and gets hornier and hornier with every lick, pump and thrust. Certainly, he seems to enjoy kissing as much as anyone could!
For his part, Travis has truly discovered what a horny young man he is! Since his first timid and awkward moments with another guy before all of our eyes, he has become one of the hottest and most energetic guys we've ever shot! Unlike the shy laughter that seemed his trademark at first, he now doesn't hold back from asking to - even begging to! - get fucked harder!
He recently admitted to me, as we know a couple other guys have, that he feels like he's on the verge of orgasm the entire time he's getting fucked. Just seeing him on his back, legs in the air, with Dave drilling his hole in this video shows that off perfectly, as Travis has this look on his face that entire time that he's expecting to shoot his load any moment.
There's just no denying the fact that this stud loves to get fucked! So, here we get to rediscover just what a treat Dave is to see in action after his long break, and also observe Travis's latest step in discovering that he absolutely loves getting fucked!
I found the following article this morning on the Sydeny Morning Herald, essentially protesting aginst the pilgrims of World Youth Day IE giving out condoms is illegal and you cna be charged and fined up to $5000.
What the fuck has this country become?
Can't someone actually stop these right wing bigots?
Thou shalt not annoy on Youth Day
EXTRAORDINARY new powers will allow police to arrest and fine people for "causing annoyance" to World Youth Day participants and permit partial strip searches at hundreds of Sydney sites, beginning today.
The laws, which operate until the end of July, have the potential to make a crime of wearing a T-shirt with a message on it, undertaking a Chaser-style stunt, handing out condoms at protests, riding a skateboard or even playing music, critics say.
Police and volunteers from the State Emergency Service and Rural Fire Service will be able to direct people to cease engaging in conduct that "causes annoyance or inconvenience to participants in a World Youth Day event".
People who fail to comply will be subject to a $5500 fine.
The president of the NSW Bar Association, Anna Katzmann, SC, described the regulations as "unnecessary and repugnant".
The Greens MP Lee Rhiannon said if someone exposed themselves in public, they faced a fine of only $1100 or six months' jail under the Summary Offences Act.
"So if someone flashes a WYD participant they will face a $1100 penalty but if they wear an anti-Catholic T-shirt they could face a $5500 penalty," she said.
A police source said causing an "annoyance or inconvenience" was a highly subjective offence. A police lawyer would define it in layman's terms for operational use by officers.
Civil libertarians said they had never seen anything like the new powers and believed they are more extreme and broader in scope than those used during last year's APEC summit and the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
But the State Government said "World Youth Day is a happy and positive celebration of youth" and "no additional or 'APEC-like' police powers have been granted under the World Youth Day regulations".
The Catholic Church denied it had called for such powers.
The regulations were quietly gazetted by the Deputy Premier, John Watkins, on Friday afternoon and apply to more than 40 city locations, including museums, galleries and cinemas, as well as Darling Harbour, the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, Randwick Racecourse and parklands.
More than 500 schools across Sydney and 35 train and bus stations have also been listed as "declared areas". People entering them will be subject to vehicle and baggage searches that require them to remove jackets, gloves, shoes and headwear if requested. "Reasonable force may be used to effect the person's exclusion" if they do not permit the search, the regulations stipulate.
The Government's World Youth Day spokeswoman, Kristina Keneally, said "bag checks are a sensible safety precaution which any young person who is going to a major event in Australia … would expect". Everyone had the right to protest so long as it was "peaceful and lawful".
The president of the NSW Council of Civil Liberties, Cameron Murphy, said the broad meaning of "causes annoyance" had the potential to encompass any activity. "This sort of amendment is extreme, unnecessary and is likely to escalate conflict when officers issue directions," he said. "People are going to be unaware that they have the power to do this and will find themselves in court facing an enormous fine."
Ms Katzmann said: "The mere presence in the vicinity of a person wearing the apparel or insignia of another religion might be annoying or inconvenient to a participant in a World Youth Day event."
Ms Rhiannon said the regulations were about "shutting down protests and quarantining the Pope and visiting Catholics away from messages World Youth Day authorities don't approve of".