Get me
After my post the other day on 2006 and what I have achieved, this post looks at where I want to achieve in 2007.
I have sorted the goals into categories, or material and more emotional / physical.
Material Goals for 2007
Labels: contemplation
Hello, could I get a larger bottle?
I'm an alcoholic not a barbie doll!
Labels: funny
Labels: Inspirational
Labels: technical
Labels: contemplation
I am progressively updating the main templates to the site, and I am also doing some new and very exciting coding!
There will be a few small issues while I do the updates, but in the main the site is fully accessible!
Labels: technical
Merry Christmas to you all, may your Christmas be everything you wish!
Labels: christmas
Being the total idiot I am and of course the nerd in me, my favorite world wide event Eurovision is to be held in one of my favorite cities in the world Helsinki!
Go the Finnish Minge *giggles*
Labels: funny
Labels: brent corrigan, porn
I am a geek at heart, no not a nerd, that's different!
After the last several months efforts of working almost non stop, I can finally do some real geek stuff that I have not had the bandwidth for in a while.....
Yes that's right I can finally learn some new stuff and read all of those technical articles I have been putting in my favorites! It seems thatt every five minutes a new technique or technology is being created. And I rarely have time to give this stuff more than just a passing look.
So the big thing that I have been learning over the past year of course is AJAX. I have been slowly integrating AJAX widgets and stuff into both our products and our clients applications. But as yet when I read stuff it is for very specific purposes. But now I can just explore all the new stuff with no real specific problem to solve in mind!
Labels: technical
Can someone please explain to me why groups of people are standing around a couple of bottles int he park drinking at 8:30am in the morning?
Labels: funny
Labels: perfectguyz, porn
It's hump day, three days till holidays and less than five days to Christmas
I am stressed out, I still have not finished some significant deliverables, which means I will on stressed puppy till I have!
No long post today just some eye candy to keep you all happy!
Labels: english lads, porn, stress
It has been a hugely busy week this week, with mountains of work and enormous amounts of socialising and drinking. I must admit that I have been very lax with my gym routines this week having only been once at the beginning of the week.
You know I just don't get the looney bin James Dobson from Focus on the Family. This time he is saying that the new movie Happy Feet is dark and promotes homosexuality.
His argument is, it's about a penguin who doesnt fit in, so therefore it's actually promoting the idea that homosexuality is genetic (um er by the way the penguin isn't gay).
Like What the Fuck? Get a life mate, or stop fighting your own sexuality
Labels: anti-gay
I transferred over to Blogger Beta the other day and now no one can add comments to the site!
Labels: technical
Labels: party
My god he was an amazing actor, and well Joni Mitchell moves me every time!
BERLIN, Germany (Reuters) -- German animal rights activists have launched a campaign against plans to put up a giant ferris wheel in Berlin, saying it would disturb the sex lives of rhinos in a nearby zoo.
A group of investors has unveiled plans to erect a 175-meter high wheel for 120 million euros ($158.9 million) in the German capital, hoping to attract millions of visitors from 2008.
But animal rights activists oppose the project, saying the fully-illuminated wheel would disturb the rhinos' daily routine.
"We're worried that these endangered animals won't breed any more, which would hamper animal protection programs," Berlin's animal rights association said in a statement.
The planned Berlin wheel would be higher than the London Eye, which claims to be the world's tallest observation wheel at 135 meters, according to its Web site.
Labels: funny
I know that this is seriously off topic, but hey it's my blog and I will rant if I want to! Australia is in the grips of massive bushfires across the country. Many houses have been destroyed and thousands of acres of forest have been burnt so far.
The Federal Forestry Minister has said publicly that if there was more logging in these areas there would be no bushfires. - Source
Technically he is right, no forest = no fire, but the forest will recover in a few years as the Australian bush needs fire to keep itself going. In fact some Australian Natives only flower or germinate after a fire has burnt them.So we have a dickhead politician who is obvisouly in favour of logging and destroying what little forests we have less (anyone seen the de-forestation of ares in the amazon?) so yeah sure there will be no bushfires but no forest for the future either.
So to him I say go fuck yourself and go back to your dickhead logging mates and start dreaming up more idiot things to say.
BTW - I am not against the planned long term forestry industry that manages plantations the world over. But I am against the wholesale destruction of old growth forests forever!
This morning I was woken at about 4am, I had no idea why and there was lots of noise and people shouting. It made me tired all day beacsue I couldnt get back to sleep very well.
This evening I was told the apartment building behind ours started losing bricks into the street below, as you can see in the picture.
So now I know what woke me up at 4am! Hopefully the ugly bloody building will be torn down and we can all get rid of this blight of an architectural toilet.
So this is my version of the amazingly fantatsic door from the Altair I posted the other day. It doesn't work as well on the dark door, but I think it still makes an impact.
Further to my post on what I want to achieve in the future, Ferrari have released the pictures of the soon to be released Ferrari Dino 420. This car is pure sex on legs! and it even looks like the original Dino which I love so much.
Totally impractical and totally energy inefficient, but it's a gad damn ferrari.
I can't believe it's already Friday and less than two and a half weeks to Christmas, now that is incredibly scary! It's almost 2007 and I have only just got used to 2006.
This week has signified a huge turning point for me as my business has moved offices. Almost three years ago we moved into our very first own office in the city. At the time the choice of position was made based on the most space we could get for the money with a great view.
We ended up with amazing views over the Western Harbour of Sydney in an older building that was not particuarly well maintained. At the time we were living a little further out, on the edges of the inner city rather than right in the heart of it.
This meant the only way for me to ge to the office was either by the bus which I hated because it was so unreliable, or get a lift with the Partner.
Then two years ago we purchased an apartment right in the heart of the gay nightclub district and literally a ten minute walk from the city centre. Problem was though, my office was at the far side of the city which was a thirty five minute walk each way.
I have been trying to negotiate out of our lease for ages, even back when to get to my office for three months you had to walk through a construction zone with exposed wiring, the landlord would not even reduce the rent!
But a friend's company has just moved into a great new office space, ten minutes from the apartment and I have moved my business in with theirs!
So I now have an amazingly groovy new office space, less than fifteen minutes walk from home.
It has been a move with stress though, I don't handle change well, but now that it has been a few days I feel fantastic, and the beagle loves it!
December 5, 2006
NGOs from around the world welcomed a landmark statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, delivered last Friday at the United Nations Human Rights Council by Norway on behalf of 54 States.
The statement condemns human rights violations directed against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, commends the work of UN mechanisms and civil society in this area, calls on UN Special Procedures and treaty bodies to address these issues, and urges the Human Rights Council to pay due attention to human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity, including consideration at an upcoming session.
"This is the largest-ever statement delivered at the UN on sexual orientation issues, and the first ever to explicitly highlight human rights violations based on gender identity." said John Fisher, Co-Director of ARC International. "We are encouraged by the measurable increase in cross-regional support for sexual orientation and gender identity issues in recent years. The time has come to ensure that human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity receive the international scrutiny and condemnation they demand."
"Numerous Special Procedures have documented violations of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons," said Chris Sidoti, Director of the International Service for Human Rights. "These violations include use of the death penalty, torture, criminal sanctions, police harassment, violence, rape, beatings, disappearances, denials of freedom of expression, raids and closures of NGOs, and discrimination in education, employment, health and housing. Too often in the past, these human rights abuses have passed in silence. Now, the era of invisibility is over."
Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, Co-Secretary General of the International Lesbian and Gay Association highlighted the fact that more than 460 NGOs from 69 different countries had joined together to commend Norway for its leadership and support the statement. "Activists from around the world often work on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity at risk of their jobs, their freedom, even their lives. The Norwegian statement has united States and NGOs from around the world to send a clear message that human rights violations directed against our communities can no longer be ignored."
Earlier this year, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour in a keynote speech to an International Conference on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights noted that "violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons is frequently unreported, undocumented and goes ultimately unpunished. ... This shameful silence is the ultimate rejection of the fundamental principle of universality of rights. ... Excluding LGBT individuals from these protections clearly violates international human rights law as well as the common standards of humanity that define us all."
As the coordinator for African-rapport and as an educator activist for Amnesty International USA, I express my disappointment of political leaders, and all other key players who do not to accept that sex between men exists and that is relevant for AIDS prevention, care , support work, and to support HIV programs directed to MSM.
We believe that it is time to start a debate on repealing anti-gay criminal laws in UN. We are all created equal; that we are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all human beings.
A human rights-based approach to HIV/AIDS starts from the premise that human rights abuses contribute to the spread of HIV and undermine attempts to protect people from becoming infected, and once infected, from receiving needed treatment and care. The promotion and protection of LGBT human rights must therefore be at the center of all aspects of an effective response to HIV/AIDS.
Education and information is the weapon that needs to be used to eliminate homophobia, discrimination and racism—implemented in schools, or in form of information to law-makers, adults, parents, and law-enforcement officials.
You and I know that this fight is not over. We will never waver when it comes to defending our values and fighting for what we know is right.
Human dignity has no nationality; it is inherent in all people of the world simply because they are human. I hope that we together shall not passively defend the principles stated here but that we shall fight for them with all the vigour within our hearts, seeking to advance and perpetuate our human liberty and individual dignity.
Yours truly
Jimmy Leon
Coordinator for African-rapport
Educator activist Amnesty International USA
John Fisher
Co-Director, ARC International
Cell: 41-79-508-3968
drew - I know I am being lazy reprinting this but I do believe that this is a significant step forward for the United Nations. The next step is to actually create UN policies that force teh UN signatories to take the protectio and equality of gays and lesbians seriously throughout the world.
Labels: politics
I love my puppy very much, but I draw the line at a hyperbaric chamber!
I was more thinking a lovely new Rogz Pod for her!
For you guys that could not give a toss about anything technical - don't read further!
Ever since I got my new phone I have been mobile photo blogging. But the images were being sent up at a huge size and I would have to then log in and manually change the image size.
For days I have been looking for the correct way to do this with a Syle in the stylesheet. Finally I found it! So here its is:
Labels: technical
I suppose being World Aids Day some melancholic thoughts are more than allowed. I think of all the songs related to the HIV / AIDS Crisis, Elton's song "The Last Song" is the one that has the most meaning to me. For those who have never heard the song or seen the video, it is well worth the couple of minutes of your time.
It's a sort of final resolution between a father and a son who is on his death bed. Incredibly powerful and both sad yet happy.
Much like Elton's song Sacrifice with was the de-facto song for Ryan White a young hemophiliac who died of an AIDS related illness in 1990.
The Last Song was featured in the movie "And the Band Played On" a Historically important book and movie about the American Government's indifference to HIV/AIDS in the eighties when it was pretty much thought to be a gay cancer.
I only vaguely remember the movie when it came out, but I do remember the mid eighties, when I was a young teenager I performed professionally with a lot of amazing actors, singers, designers, directors, dressers, musicians and more. The creative community was almost decimated by the AIDS Virus. I was 14 in 1986 when the first person I knew died, the last was in August of this year.
So remember SAFE SEX!
Today December 1 is World AIDS Day. To help commemerate this day and help rasie much needed funds, Bristol-Myers-Squibb is raising money for awareness across the United States. For every virtual candle that is lit on their Light To Unite website, they will donate more!
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